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Tips on Leaving

By: Stop the Hurt

This information is designed to help you plan your getaway. Have a bag packed that includes important items.

Keep this bag at a friend's or relative's house
so that your abuser does not find it.

Include your and your child's (children's):

Birth Certificates
Children's Shot Records
Social Security Cards
School Records
Address Book
Driver's License
Medical Coupons/Insurance Cards
Extra Set of Car Keys
Children's Comfort Items/Favorite Toys
Changes of Clothes.

If at all possible try to take a copy of last year's income tax returns. You may need this to file for child support. Most abusers will not volunteer this information.

Anything that you feel would be important including any: threatening lettersor letters where your abuser is apologizing for the abuse.

This will be extremely important if there is a custody or visitation issue. You can go to your local Police Department and request copies of Police reports of violence against you.

Hospital records
 that have documentation of abuse are extremely important, and in the state of Washington they are completely admissible in court.

This information is not intended to replace the advice of an Attorney, Counselor, Police or Domestic Violence Agency.

Remember, if you are in immediate danger, call 911.